How does Birth Control work?
The hormonal birth control pill works by elevating hormones estrogen and/or progesterone to stop ovulation and increase cervical mucous viscosity to prevent pregnancy.
Why Birth Control Gives Temporary Acne Relief
By altering our hormonal state birth control also effects our gut, brain, skin and so much more. Hormonal birth control may give temporary relief to acne as it lowers the skins sebum production, resulting in less clogged pores and acne breakouts.. Sebum is the oil produced in the sebaceous glands of the skin, which our face has 900 sebaceous glands per square centimeter of skin (which means a LOT of space for acne breakouts)

Post-Birth Control Acne Rebound
Once we get off of hormonal birth control women often experience what is called an 'Androgen Rebound'. This hormonal rebound is the sudden increase of the male sex hormones, testosterone and DHEA, which results in increased sebum production in the skin, facial hair growth and period loss or dysregulation.
Because going on the birth control pill does not address the root cause of the acne in the first place acne will often come back worsened post-pill, as the root cause of acne has not yet been fixed and in some cases has been made worse by the pill
How to Avoid the Acne Rebound and Get Clear Skin
Start with your diet, add in anti-androgenic herbs like spearmint to lower testosterone naturally, ensure you are eating a variety of colorful, nutritious fruits & vegetables to replenish any depleted nutrients from the pill (like zinc, which is HUGE in acne) and always eat a protein and fat with every sing meal & snack for healthy blood sugar control.
Support your gut health! Your gut plays a massive role in inflammation levels and acne proliferation, add in probiotic foods like kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha along with a high quality probiotic supplement to support gut lining.
Deal with your mental mess! I never stop telling my clients about stress management because it affects EVERY part of your health- from hormone balance to gut health to inflammation and then some. Add in at least 2 stress-reduction teqniques every day to support your healthy skin journey (EFT, nature walks, meditation and journaling are just a few of my favorites)!
Get your detox processes working smoothly! This includes supporting the liver, herbs like milk thistle or cruciferous vegetables are a great place to start, ensuring regular bowel movement, including more fiber in the diet, and getting your lymphatic system moving, try dry brushing, sweating or exercising. Another super important detox organ is our kidneys! Support your kidneys by drinking lots of water (aim for 1.5L+ a day), limiting alcohol and adding in nutrients like ALA and NAC.
Bottom line- Can Birth Control Give You Acne?
Yes, but you have the power to avoid it! Even if you didn't struggle with acne prior to going on the pill, it may be something that shows up post-pill. You have the power & resources to live acne free! Work 1:1 with me to avoid the androgen rebound and get the clear skin you want!